Electropump Chemical Units

Chemical electropump units are used in the chemical, metallurgical, oil industry in the energy and other industries.Structurally, chemical pumps can be grouped as follows:

  • centrifugal horizontal (Х, ТХ, АХ, ХРО, ХД и ДХ);
  • axial horizontal and vertical (ОХР, ОХГ, ОХГН, ОХВН);
  • centrifugal submersible (АХП и ТХИ);
  • centrifugal pumps for nuclear power plants (ЦНА).

These pumps are diverse both in type (axial, centrifugal), and in design, in pumping media (degree of aggressiveness, density, temperature, abrasivity, etc.). 
The general design features of chemical pumps are diversity:

  • used materials of flow part;
  • types of impellers; 
  • shaft seal type;
  • depth of immersion;
  • Extent of performance on explosion protection;
  • components.

The drive of chemical pumps is an electric motor. The pump and the electric motor are installed on both common and separate base plates (frames). 
Operating range of chemical pumps: flow from 180 to 21200 m3 / h and head from 1.8 to 92 m. To ensure the required pressure and flow, chemical pumps are supplied in various sizes with different undercuts of impellers of centrifugal pumps and different angles of installation of axial-blade blades.
More information about chemical pumps, their design, technical characteristics and components of electric motors can be found in the “Pumps and hydraulic turbines” product catalog and can be consulted by the company's specialists.

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Sysert, Sverdlovsk region,
Karla Libknehta st., 2A
Тел.: +7 (343) 312-74-10, факс: +7 (343) 312-74-98