Centrifugal horizontal pumps type Д

D-type pumps are used in irrigation systems for agriculture and thermal power, for water supply of settlements and industrial enterprises.
Centrifugal horizontal pumps are presented in 11 standard sizes.
Working range of D-type pumps: flow rate from 200 to 13,300 m3 / h and head from 12 to 108 m. To ensure optimally required head and flow rate, D-type pumps are produced with different trimming of impellers and different rotational speed.
The drive of centrifugal horizontal D-type pumps is a synchronous or asynchronous type electric motor. Pump and motor are connected by an elastic coupling. The rotor bearings are rolling bearings. To prevent leakage on the shaft, gland seals are used, as agreed, a mechanical seal is possible.
The pump and the electric motor are installed both on a common frame and on separate foundations. 
You can find more information about D-type pumps, their design, technical characteristics and components of electric motors in the “Pumps and hydro-turbines” product catalog and can get advice from the company's specialists.


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